Breaking into Technology

Software engineering immersion



From Sinatra To Rails

Sinatra, being a small framework (Domain Specific Language) is a great place to start if you want to fully comprehend

Thought Process Behind My First Sinatra App

The idea of building my first web application was intimidating. The task was to build a simple Content Management

Weather-Forecast Ruby CLI Gem

This week I completed my first CLI project using ruby as tasked by Flatironschool software engineering program. The project requires us to build a CLI that provides access to data from the web, collect the data and save it into an object. We were also required to go at least one level deep. After wandering on the web for ideas and looking for good free API to collect the data from, I decided to build a simple Weather gem because Who doesn’t like a forecast update?

Why I Decided to Pursue A Career in Software Engineering

Until now, I have been working in a nontechnical role as an inventory specialist in a pharmacy, logging and verifying data in a very effective software that manage the pharmacy inventory system by tracking every single transaction, build reports and red flags discrepancies. Working with this software made me realize that I like to work with data, analyze and solve problems. However, I was also intrigue by how people came up with such a great software, bringing ideas to live with every single update.