Breaking into Technology

Software engineering immersion

Redux Beginner Summary

This blog will cover the basic core concepts of Redux and the patterns to follow when using Redux

ES6 Destructuring Assignment

You might be familiar with the ES6 destructuration, but do you know all it features? Up until now, I was only familiar with ES6 destructuring syntax to extract values from objects and arrays. Here I will cover all possible ways you can use this special syntax introduced in ES6.

Reading csv file With JavaScript

In this post I am going to share a skill I recently learned while completing a challenge. Up until now, I have never worked on a project that required me to read data from a csv file instead of a database with JavaScript. Here I am going to share one approach to do so using HTML5 and Papa parse library.

Authentication with Sessions Vs. JWT

I was recently asked what the difference was between using JWT and sessions for authentication in an interview; and I thought I will write about it to cement that knowledge.

Operators and Flow Control in Java

In this post, we will be learning different types of operators in Java and how to use them. Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values. There are five types of Java operators: assignment, arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise and unary operators.